Monday, June 4, 2012

The Cow

Author's Note: This is a creative piece about a rabid cow.

One day, when I was a young. I was walking along a path when I saw a barn. I went up to the farmer and he said, "The farm is being shut down, if you would like to buy an animal if you'd like." I have always wanted a pet so I asked the man for giraffe (of course I was kidding).
"Sure! We have only one though."
" What! You have a giraffe."
"Yeah, It just wonder in one day."
"You can see it if you'd like."
We walk behind the barn, but then something caught my eye. There was a cow standing at the edge with glowing red eyes. I just stared at me, as if I was his prey. I run to the farmer and tell him to look but when I looked back the cow was gone. I tell the man that I didn't need the giraffe and thanked him for showing me it. I ran out of there as fast as I could. It was getting dark and I had to get home. The fastest way home was through the forest, but I hated going through the forest during the night, but it seems like that is the only choice. I start sprinting as fast as I can, when I hear a branch snap. I spin around to see what was there. All I see is 2 red eyes glowing in the darkness.     

To be continued

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Lottery

Author's Note: This piece is about theme of the inhumanity in the book "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson.

There are many themes in this book, but I chose inhumanity. The inhumanity in this book really takes you by surprise the in this story. Though it starts off really like a small, nice, happy town. It completely changes in the end.

In the beginning the boys are collecting stones, what I think is just for fun. No, these are weapons of death. People are ready for the lottery but this isn't just an ordinary lottery. When you win the lottery it is a good thing, right. No, when you when  win you die. They just kill people by throwing rocks at the person. Also even the little kids would throw rocks at their own mothers. That is terrible.

The inhumanity in this book sickens me. It so terrible I don't even know what to say except: What kind of world do they live in.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Life as a Birthday Card

Author's Note: This is a creative piece on the live of a birthday card.

When I was created, I was the best card ever. On the front it said, "Party…….." and on the inside it says, "…Like there is no tomorrow." I knew I would sell super quick, but I was wrong. When I was first put on the shelf I sat and talked to the birthday cards next to me. At first I was super excited, but as the days past, I slowly started to lose hope. It fell like forever, until one day a boy come into the isle. He starts looking at all the cards. I had to choose me, he has to. Until finally he picks me up and takes me to the check-out. Yes! Oh, I am so excited, the day has finally come. Once I got home, they put me into the envelop. It pitch-black in here and I can't see anything.

I the darkness I wait. Until I feeling I am moving. Yes, he is open the envelop. The birthday boy pulls me out, but wait. Dang, we have to wait, his mother has to find a camera. The boy starts reading me. "Party……..Like there is no tomorrow, from your friend." But he doesn't put me down to open his present he keeps reading me over again. In the same boring tone. "Party……..Like there is no tomorrow, from your friend." "Party……..Like there is no tomorrow, from your friend." "Party……..Like there is no tomorrow, from your friend." If his mother doesn't find that camera I might go crazy! "Party……..Like there is no tomorrow, from your friend." "Party……..Like there is no tomorrow, from your friend." "Party……..Like there is no tomorrow, from your friend." AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to explode pretty soon! "Party……..Lik…" Finally she found the camera, now he can continue. After I am placed on a shelf, for all to see. That is my life as a birthday card.  

Friday, April 27, 2012


Everyone has had a cold before, but do you know what it really is? It is a virus. Non-living particles that can infect living cells then will spread to a new one. Almost like a zombie, if you think about. Viruses can be very dangerous, but also can be helpful.
First of all, viruses are very tiny non-living organisms that infect living things cells (What is a Virus). The virus will kill off the cell and spread to another one and so on. The reason you become sick is that your body is trying to get rid of the virus by coughing and sneezing. That is also why everyone tells you to cover your mouth or nose because that is basically bacteria from the virus.
Unquestionably, the most common virus that everyone knows of is the common cold. There are many reasons why the common cold is so common, but the easiest way to catch the common cold is to inhale it through the nose or mouth (What a Common Cold is). The common cold is a virus commonly found in the nose, but it gets worse it can spread to your ears, sinuses, and your bronchial tubes. An easy way to avoid a cold is to wash your hands often and not to touch your face, because the virus could be sitting right on your hand.
On the other hand, the flu is another one of the known viruses in the world. This one is a little more serious than the common cold, because it affects your nose, throat and lungs (Seasonal Influenza). The flu is also contagious. Ways to prevent the flu is about the same as the common cold except try to not come in close contact with another sick person, the flu is contagious. If you want to have absolutely no chance of getting the flu, then a flu shot is your best bet (CDC).
Nevertheless, viruses can be very harmful in many different ways, but they also can be helpful. We can research and study them and use them to advance farther into science (Virus Uses). They are also very helpful to the study of molecular and cellular biology.
In conclusion, I believe that it is amazing what these tiny particle can do even though they aren’t even living. I only told you about two viruses out of the millions of viruses. Just remember to wash your hands and stay virus free. 

CDC. 25 April 2012 <>.

Seasonal Influenza. 18 April 2012 <>.

Virus Uses. 20 April 2012 <>.

What a Common Cold is. 2007. 18 April 2012

What is a Virus. 18 April 2012 <>.

What is a VIRUS? 2012. 20 April 2012 <>.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

You don't know what you've got, till it's gone

Author's Note: This piece is a theme piece on the poem Big Yellow Taxi. I am working on the introduction and I am trying to add quotes into the piece as well.

How would you feel if you lost everything? If everything you owned was just gone, just like that? Would that make you appreciate what you had a lot more than you probably do now?  In my opinion, no one really knows or appreciates what they have, until it is gone.

First of all, the poem is about how "You don't know what you've got, till it's gone." A quote from Big Yellow Taxi. Say you have this great life, but maybe you don't appreciate it as much as you probably should. Then when it is all taken away, and once you have nothing you probably realize how great your life really was.

However, this isn't about someone's life, but how nature is being taking away and man is taking over. Paradise in the poem is nature and the parking lot refers to people taking paradise away. The poem talks about how the people are cutting down so much of nature, that it is rare to see a tree. The author is saying how no one really notices how beautiful nature is, until it's been taken away. 

Of course, the theme of this piece was "You don't know what you've got, till it's gone." That really reminds me of the movie It's a Wonderful Life. In the movie, George Bailey (the protagonist) has some bad things going on in his life and wishes that he was never born. An angel then shows him what life would be like if he was never born. After seeing life without him, he then realizes what he had, and how great his life truly was.  He sees he has really made a difference in the world, and is grateful for all his friends and family!

In conclusion, I think people should appreciate what they have, instead of just wanting more. Most likely you have more than you think. Just think how would your life be if you lost everything.  Remember "You don't know what you've got, till it's gone."

Thursday, March 29, 2012

What happened to Nature?

Author's Note: This is a piece reviewing the poem and music of Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell
 and Field Below by Regina Spektor.

These poems are about how nature is being taking away by man. Big Yellow Taxi talks about how you don’t know what you got until it's gone. Field Below talks about someone who had it but lost it and is longing to get it back.

I feel that both of these poems are both sad poem. They have the feel of regretful and depressed and longing to get nature back. I didn't really like them, because they were sad and depressing and instead of doing nothing they should get up and do something, make a stand.

Big Yellow Taxi poem was very different from the music, because the poem made you feel sad and depressed and then the music was happy and jumpy song, but then you listen to the lyrics and you are like why is this person happy. Field below, on the other hand, was exactly the same the poem was sad, the music was also sad and slow. Definitely not a song to cheer you up.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How free were free blacks in the North

How free were the free black in the north back in the civil war age. After becoming free were able to have a life like everyone else. I think to be free would be great but it wasn't the best for the African Americans.

When it came to politics the free blacks didn't have much of a say in it. They were not able to become any part of the government. They weren't allowed in a jury with other whites. The only thing they could do is vote, but what was the point.

Economic freedoms were basically the only freedoms that black had in the north. They were able live, to thrive. They would have to pay taxes. They could also perform duties. They were able live like the white people in their own black communities.

Though they have the right to live and thrive they could never, ever mingle or mix with the other whites. They were not able to dine with them, join the jury, attend court, represent white in the legislator, and no mingling what so ever.
It would still seem horrible to be African American back in those times. I mean if one thing wrong, even the simplest things, you could be sent right back into slavery! How stupid is that. Though you are free and able to live the way you want, you are restricted to do so many things. Overall free or not it was nothing compared to a white person’s life.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Poem Parody

I have a confession.
That might send you into depression.
You may think you know me.
But others might disagree

I couldn't have told you before.
Because it was too much gore.
Forgive me
This is not how you wanted me to be.

I could not stop, it was too much fun.
I know now want I have done.
It was my destiny,
To end world tyranny.

This piece was about Abraham Lincoln telling his wife about his secret life of killing vampires. In the book Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter he never told his wife about killing vampires. He feels kind of sorry that he did it, but at the same time it would have been so dangerous. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Describing Mother to Son

Author's Note: This is a descriptive piece about the poem by Langston Hughes, Mother to Son.

Mother to Son was a great piece to show Imagery. It was about this strong Mother who probably has gone through so much in her live and she didn't have a great life growing up, but she wants her son to keep going and to never give up. She explains how life is not a crystal stairwell. There will be so many rough times in your life, but that doesn't mean you can just turn your back and give up.

Langston Hughes does a great job showing how the mother feels when she talks, his figurative language helped because you know that he uses a metaphor to explain his point. This piece inspired to do my best at everything and to never give up. If you feel like you want to just give up, then you should read this poem.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Retelling the story of The Vampire Hunter

Author's Note: This is a retelling piece on the book Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. I am writing to show the main points in the book. If you could write a comment, positive or constructive, that would be great.

Abraham Lincoln swore to kill every vampire in America. During the day he lives the life you have always heard of in history books. At night he becomes the greatest vampire hunter in history.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes fantasy and horror.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Vampire Hunter Revised

Author's Note: This is a Character description piece on Abraham Lincoln from the book Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. This piece is revised from the last one to add Imagery to the piece.

As a boy he lived in a log cabin in Little Pigeon Creek. With blond hair and eyes as blue as the ocean. As he grows gains tremendous height, almost 6 1/2 ft tall! Hair changed to a brown. Later obtaining a beard to cover up a scar from a blood sucking vampire, also to give him a presidential look. Usually wearing a long coat to hid his vampire hunting weapons. With legendary strength and skill with an axe, he became one the greatest vampire hunters ever.

His mother dies when he is very young, later to find out it was a vampire as pale as snow(not the yellow kind), beady, pitch-black eyes, and wet, glassy fangs that just want to sink into someone's flesh. He swears to kill all vampires in America. Which leads to years of training to become strong, skilled with an axe, and to create new weapons to fight the army of the undead. His anger at vampires is like a raging bull, because all he wants is revenge.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Vampire Hunter

Author's Note: This is a Character description piece on Abraham Lincoln from the book Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter.

Abraham Lincoln grew from a boy to man throughout this book. He started as a blond but as he grew became brunet. Later obtaining a beard. Usually wearing a long coat with dress pants and shirt. Towering height especially for the time he lived in. He was around 6' 4". Legendary strength and skill with a axe became one the greatest vampire hunters ever.

His mother dies when he is very young, later to find out it was a vampire. Which lead to years of training to become strong, skilled with an axe, and to create new weapons To fight the army of the undead. Sets out on his own at the age of 22 ready to do whatever he can do to revenge his mother.  

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Never Give Up

Author's Note: I am writing about the conflict & resolution in the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. I am writing to show the main conflict and how it get resolved. I am working on organization. Feedback would be great.

Arnold is a kid on a Indian reservation, but through all the ups and downs in his life he has kept his hope unlike everyone else. Now he has to take his hope somewhere else, where other people have hope. Arnold always been in conflict with mental and physical problems, even with his tribe. That didn't bring him down and now he has to do something about that. 

First,  Arnold didn't have such a great life on the rez. He is a Indian on a reservation.  Born with a variety of medical issues. He is always made fun of on the rez. Kids his age, teenagers, and even adults would pick on him or beat him up.  Leaving to go to Reardan was probably the best thing to ever happen to him. Maybe it would be hard for some people to leave your old life but I don't think it was hard for him.

Reardan started off not so great but quickly got better. At first he walks into the school no one bothers to talk to him, which is probably better than getting beat up. You could probably tell he was Indian but no one mentioned anything. But as he meets Gordy(nerd, friend, and tutor), Penelope(semi-girl friend), and Roger(friend, star basketball player). His life starts to turn around.

I think Arnold has always battled society. So the main conflict is Person vs. Society. In the beginning he was always against the tribe, during the basketball game vs the rez. Arnold wasn't just playing basketball against the team, but against the entire tribe. When he started Reardan, some kids were kind of racially against Arnold, but all he wanted to do was to fit in. Later it seem like the tribe just back off and stopped trying to make his life miserable because his sister and grandmother died. Now he has found a new society that loves him.

As rough as Arnold's life was nothing ever brought him down. Brain problems, a lisp, a stutter, the tribe, and many, many deaths. Instead of staying at the reservation and not ever having a chance of ever fulfilling his dreams, he went out there and did something big and now has a chance to do anything.  

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian Epilogue

Author's Note: This a creative piece about what I think would happen if Rowdy came to Reardan in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian.  This piece is from Rowdy's prospective.

Standing there, thinking. Twenty feet from the door of Reardan. Should I go, should I go home? If Arnold can do it so can I. Okay I can do this. No turning back now. No one has said anything thing yet. Then a teacher walks up to me.
"Welcome to Reardan," he says. "Here let me show you to your locker."
I follow him, but that is when I notice everyone around me is looking at me. Whispering and snickering. How could they possibly know….oh…the basketball game. Great, I already know how great my day is going to be.

Later I got surrounded by a bunch of guys. They were calling me names pushing me around. I was getting mad, real mad. I went on a rampage. I went crazy on all of them. It was like a hurricane of fists, but the weirdest thing was they just walked away. Oh well I have to go see Junior any ways.     

"Hey!" I say walking up to Junior.
"Hi, how's your first day going?" asked Junior.
"I don't know, it was weird. I punched someone and they just walked away." I say.
"Yeah, that happened to me too" says Junior, "But anyways are you going to join the basketball team?"
"Yeah," I say
"Well then I will see you at the game tonight," says junior.

I am all ready for the basketball game. Walking with Junior I feel great. Until I take a step into the gym. Everyone is dead silent. Just staring at me. Obviously the recognize me. I caused there only loss of the season. But this is ridiculous, because then they start booing. This isn't going to be fun.

The game started but the coach won't put me in because when he tries the crowd boos crazily until I am out. This is stupid! I want to just punch them in the face! I storm out of the school and all I am thinking is that I am done with the school. I am going back to the rez.

I think this would happen because Rowdy gets mad very quick and settles everything with violence. Really in the book I don't think Rowdy would have ever gone Reardan.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Author's Note: This is a creative piece about a quote in the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. If you could comment, any feedback would be great.

Arnold lives on a Indian reservation. He was born with many medical issues. All the adults on rez including his parents are drug addict or drunks. He is bullied every day by everyone, I mean adults, teenagers, and kids. But that isn't going to stop Arnold follow his dreams. 

"You've been fighting since you were born. You fought off brain surgery. You fought off those seizures. You fought off all the drunks and drug addicts. You kept your hope. And now, you have to take your hope and go somewhere where other people have hope." -Mr. P   pg. 43

That was what started everything. That was the line that made Arnold think, it lead him off the rez to basically start a new life. Arnold didn't give up unlike everyone on the rez. He had hope and so did the kids at Reardan Middle school.  Though Arnold was still the same kid, he was still Indian, he still medical problems, but that didn't stop him from turning his life around.

 It kind of makes you think if Mr. P hadn't of talked to Arnold what would have happened next. Probably would stay on the rez and there wouldn't be a story to tell. Mary probably wouldn't have died in the book. She only left because Arnold left. Everyone says that it was his fault but I don't think so. It made Mary leave but it was out of her stupidity that she died. If Mr. P didn’t come to Arnold's house would there even be a book?

I think this was an important quote in the book, it completely changed the story and Arnold's life.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

Author's Note: This is essay on character development. I am writing about Arnold from the book The Absolutely True Diary of  a Part-Time Indian. I am working on organization. Feedback would be great.

Have you ever had problems at school, in your town, or just your life? Maybe because of bullies, mental/physical issues, or etc. Well, if you think you got it bad just look at Arnold's life. He may have it bad now, but can he turn this all around?

First of all, Arnold's life didn't really start off the best. When he was born his head was filled with water that damaged his brain (That's how he got the nickname Hydro Head). He lives on a Indian reservation. Doesn't really have any friends except for his best friend, Rowdy. Dog died, Father is a drunk, Mother is never there, his sister ran away and they are poor. Seems like a great life, right. But when Mr. P (Teacher) comes over to talk to Arnold, he might be able to change his life forever?

His life started terrible, but will it end that way? After Arnold smashed Mr. P in the face with a geometry book, he came over to Arnold's House to talk to him about leaving the rez. Arnold still has hope unlike anyone at the rez, everyone has given up. Mr. P says Arnold could have a future but can't stay here. He decides to leave and go to Reardan, an all-white school. But the people at the rez don't like that, they think he has betrayed the tribe and when Reardan plays the rez in basketball it's not a pretty sight. He will go to this new school and find that people won't be so quick to judge, unlike the people on the rez and they will give him a chance to really know him. Now he has more friends than ever and something good could finally come from his life.

This book kind of reminds me of Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Arnold and Greg both in middle school, having problems trying to fit in. Plus both of the main character's best friend is name is Rowdy. Both lost there best friend, but the Rowdy's are different one will never anyone and one will punch you in the face to get his point across.But the main character are pretty similar.   

His life might not started off so good, but look at it now. He has left the dying hope at the rez and has create some new hope that could last him maybe forever. No matter how bad his life was, you can always turn it around.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Thank You Ma'am-From her mind

Author's Note: This is a piece showing what the women was thinking during "Thank You Ma'am", by Langston Hughes. From her mind....

I worked late tonight just ready to get home and eat some dinner. What's that. Hey, my pocketbook! The thief fell down. Good thing it's heavier than this boy. I kick him "right square in his blue-jeaned sitter." He probably not more than 14. I pick him up and now am face to face with this boy. All I am thinking what is wrong with this boy. I am so angry at this boy, people are watching and I don't care. Maybe I should change the way this boy thinks. Yeah, I will take him back to my place right now.

In this piece the lady didn't seem like the victim. She didn't seem scared of the boy. She also didn't the cops, all she did was kick him and turned him into the victim. At most she was angry. Once she started dragging the boy I think that Roger most likely regretted ever take the chance of stealing the pocketbook.

Sopa & Pipa

Author's Note: This piece is to tell you that this not a good bill and we should do whatever we can to rebel against it. I am working on Sentence Fluency. Please leave comments below to tell me what you think should with Sopa & Pipa.

Have you heard of the Sopa & Pipa bill that the government is trying to pass. Basically they are trying to censor the internet.  There are so many reasons that we should deny this bill. This is why the Sopa & Pipa should not be passed.

Sopa and Pipa are acts that are trying to censor the internet. Sopa stands for Stop Online Piracy Act and Pipa stands for Protect IP act. They want control over websites and will shut down any website with illegal videos, music, and etc. on them. It might seem good but the government will most likely go to far and end up shutting down most of the Internet.

The Internet is huge source of information, but if this bill passes big websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube will be shutdown. For example if someone were to post a video on Youtube that breaks any piracy laws, that means movie clips, songs, and video games, the government will shut down all of Youtube and blame it as Youtube's problem. Even if this bill does pass it will not stop websites from overseas, so it could end up failing anyways.

Overall, the Internet is a giant source for information and if they shut it down they country will takes a major step back in technology. They are not good bills and will end up failing anyways. So when you have a chance to help rebel this bill, do your part and save the Internet.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dead-Man's Path

Author's Note: I am writing a Cause & Effect piece for "Dead-man's path". Feedback would be great.

26 year-old, Michael Obi, just became the new headmaster of Ndume Central School in the story "Dead-Man's Path." He wants to make the school more modern. All the village people have this superstition of Dead-man's path and it's right in front of the school. For thousands of years people have been walking across this path. He didn't think that should happen so he blocked it off. This event was the climax of the story.

Why did Michael Obi feel the need to block the path? Well, he thinks that he is the smart one and the village people are dumb for believing in this superstition.

 There were harsh consequences for blocking the path.  The priest came to say that he still has a chance to remove the fence. He refused and  kept it up. Someone died right after he refused to take it down. The next day the villagers trashed the school. Everything that happened wouldn't have ever happen as long as he didn't put up the fence.

SS Comparison Essay

Author's Note: I just read The Fighting Ground and watched “The Patriot”. I am comparing Jonathan (Main character in The Fighting Ground) and Gabriel (One of the main characters of “The Patriot”). 

What would it be like to live in the time of the Revolutionary War? Would you want to fight for freedom or just sit back and wait till the war was over? Well, Jonathan and Gabriel were tired of waiting and wanted to get into the war. They disobeyed their fathers and joined the continental army. In a way these two are very much alike.

There were many similarities between The Patriot and The Fighting Ground. Just like Jonathan, Gabriel went to war even though his father didn’t want him to. Both of their fathers had been in war so they knew what it was like and didn't want their son to go through that; both of the fathers had been heroes in the French & Indian war. Also Jonathan and Gabriel both ended up getting captured; Jonathan by Hessians, Gabriel by the Red Coats. These two seem very similar, but have some differences too. 

There were many differences between the two, like luckily for Gabriel when he was captured his father came to save him unlike Jonathan who had to escape himself. Jonathan's father had a leg problem so he couldn't do anything about it. Gabriel was older than Jonathan; he was trained to ride a horse and was able to reload a musket quickly. Unlike Jonathan who was 14 and couldn't even carry the gun on his back.

Back in that time every boy want to help out in the continental army mostly likely because they don't know it will be like. There were some tough times back then, and it think Jonathan and Gabriel found out the hard way. Though Gabriel died in the end, if he had of lived, it would have something they would never forget.  

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Moments during Winter Break

Author's Note: I am explain a funny time during my winter break.

During winter break I was playing Kinect Sports 2 with my friend. We were playing football and he was ready to punt it away. He kicks but while he does that his other leg flies up to and he falls on his back. It looked liked a cartoon character slipping on a banana peel. It was a perfect punt.